

词汇 bite
vt., vi.bit, bitten, biting1. 咬
My monkey doesn't bite.我的猴子不咬人。
The boy bit into the apple.那个男孩子咬了一口苹果。
Giant shovels are biting off big chunks from the hill.巨型铲土机正把小山头一大口一大口地啃去。
2. 咬成(某种状态)
The dog has bitten a hole in my trousers.狗把我的裤子咬了一个洞。
3. (虫)叮
The mosquitoes are biting me.蚊子叮我。
4. (鱼)咬饵5. 抓紧;卡紧
The car's tires would not bite on the snow.汽车轮胎在雪地里会打滑。
bite one's lips掩饰愤怒或不快
bite sb.'s head off斥责
bite the dust被杀;一败涂地
n.1. 咬
She was covered in insect bites.她浑身是虫子叮的伤。
2. 咬下的一块
This apple's good; do you want a bite?这苹果很好,你想来一口吗?
He took a bite out of the pear.他咬了一口梨。
3. 食物
He hasn't had a bite (to eat) all day.他整天都没吃东西。
The children haven't had a bite to eat all day.孩子们一整天什么也没吃过。
4. 咬伤5. 刺痛;锋利
There's a bite in this cold wind.寒风刺骨。
There seems to be a bite to his words.他话里似乎带刺。




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